On December 14, 2010 the Board of Education took action to raise the Title 1 funding threshold from 40% to 75% over a five-year period. The motion, which carried, stipulated that staff engage the community in gaining feedback regarding this shift in funding allocation. As a result, the district has created a short survey to provide feedback. All are encouraged to participate by going to the survey www.sandi.net/Title1.
As you complete the survey, please remember that the Board’s action will reduce and eventually eliminate BIRNEY’S TITLE 1 FUNDING which currently funds some counseling and reading support for our students. At the same time, we will most likely continue to have 60% of our students who do indeed qualify for Title 1 funding. So 6 out of 10 students will not receive supports they are entitled to.
Please take the time to click on the survey. If you do not have access to the survey, please pick one up in the office.
Amanda L. Hammond-Williams
Alice Birney Elementary, an International Studies Magnet
IB World School
California Distinguished School
4345 Campus Avenue
San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 497-3500 (OFFICE)
(619) 688-3017 (FAX)
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