Tuesday, November 15, 2011


They are looking to begin the program on Thursday, December 8 and it will run every Thursday through Feb. 2, 2012. Birney will have a box on the North Park Market info booth table during the hours the market is open and all your students, parents, etc can put their tickets in that box.

The North Park Farmers’ Market is partnering with North Park schools to help our kids with the CASH CROPS program.

Farmers’ market operators SD Weekly Markets will rebate 5% of every dollar spent at the market for one month to the school of your choice!

Here is how it works:
  1. Shop at the market every Thursday, from 3 pm to 7pm. We have more than 60 farmers and vendors offer locally grown fruits and vegetables, grass fed beef, fish, eggs, cheese and coffee beans, fresh-baked bread, peanut butter and more.
  2. Tell farmers and vendors when you purchase that you need school tickets (one for each dollar spent).
  3. Bring those tickets to the Information Booth at the market and deposit them in your favorite school’s jar. The market will donate funds to your school’s PTO.
Added incentives:
The school that has the largest total at the end date of Feb. 2, 2010 will receive an additional donation.

Promotions throughout the month will offer opportunities for classes to win insulated shopping bags, t-shirts and more.

Watch for fun and educational activities for kids.

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